Campaigning for your passion

In the coming General Election, political parties will compete to be heard, each selling their particular vision of a better future. But with 3rd Party Ltd, you can campaign separately from official party campaigns to help move opinion in support of your favoured outcome.

3rd Party Ltd is registered with the Electoral Commission as a non-party campaigner. We are here to help you campaign for the outcome you want to see in the General Election. Be that on a particular issue, or in support of – or opposition to – a particular party.

How 3rd Party Ltd can help you

Changes made in the Elections Act 2022 provide clear guidance on the role of non-party campaigners in elections.

We can campaign on an issue.

We can campaign in support of a particular party.

We can campaign against a particular party or candidate.

By donating to 3rd Party Ltd, you can see your campaign organised and run professionally with:

  • Campaign website.
  • Social media platforms using targeted advertising.
  • Professionally produced and distributed literature.
  • Contact management throughout the campaign.
  • Fully compliant reporting of donations and spending.

Campaign spending limits

Your campaign is funded by a donation to 3rd Party Ltd, who retain 20% of the donation to cover the cost of setting up and managing the campaign. Everything else is spent promoting your message to the electorate.

Spending limits apply across the four UK nations:

  • England £586,548
  • Scotland £81,571
  • Wales £54,566
  • Northern Ireland £39,443

This is subject to an overall maximum of £702,130 if running a campaign across the four UK nations.

In support of a political party or its candidates, a maximum of £58,654 can be spent, and there is a single constituency limit of £17,533.

3rd Party Ltd requires a minimum commitment of £5,000 for a constituency campaign and £50,000 for a national campaign.

Declaring donations and spending

3rd Party Ltd must check that any donation it receives is eligible under UK law.

Donations up to £500 – if not part of a series of donations – are not regulated.

Above £500 we must verify that the donation is made by an eligible donor. We will complete regular returns to the Electoral Commission of all donations received.

When we spend money on a campaign, we will declare that spending and the area in which the campaign activity was undertaken if it is part of a constituency-based campaign.